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Red-Hot READING Sites

  • BBC's Bitesize Literacy Games

    This site has literacy games to help you practice your reading skills.  (Go to KS2 to make the games more challenging.)

  • BookFLIX

    To visit BookFLIX while not at school, click here.  Use "clinton56" as your username and "bookflix" as your password.
    Watch a classic video story book and a nonfiction book on a similar topic!
  • Free Rice

    For every vocabulary word's defninition that is chosen correctly, 20 grains of rice are donated through the UN World Food Program to help end hunger.

  • Help Me Find a Book

    Do you have trouble finding a book to read? This is a wonderful site designed to help you find new titles to check out. With Book Adventure, you can identify your grade level and up to five types of books you like to read. The site returns a list of titles! A good site to visit if you are stuck in a reading rut.  

  • Into the Book

    Practice reading comprehension strategies like using prior knowledge, making connections, questioning, visualizing, inferring, summarizing, evaluating and synthesizing by watching a video and then completing interactive activities.

  • Random House Kids

    Visit the websites of some of your favorite authors and books like Junie B. Jones, Magic Tree House, and more!
  • Starfall

    This is an awesome reading site that starts with the basics and grows with the student.

  • Story Place: The Children's Digital Library

    This site has online stories and lots of activities that are divided by themes.  The site can be viewed in English or in Spanish.  The stories are mostly geared toward studetns in preschool through second grade.

  • Storyline Online

    This site has online streaming video programs of children's books read aloud by actors from the Screen Actors Guild.  The stories change periodically.  This site has stories that appeal to students in kindergarten through fifth grade.

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Clinton Elementary School



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Clinton Middle School 8:00am-3:10pm
Clinton Elementary School 7:45am-2:45pm
Eastside Elementary School 7:45am-2:45pm
Joanna-Woodson Elementary School 7:45-2:45pm
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