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What are School Counselors?

School Counselors are a type of helper in your school. We help kids with things like problem solving, understanding feelings, and making friends!
What do School Counselors do? 
  • talk with individual students,
  • meet with students in small groups, and
  • visit classrooms to teach lessons about things that will help you in school, and out of school!

Who are School Counselors for?

Your School Counselors are here for EVERYONE! We are here for every student, every teacher, and every parent who is part of the Clinton Elementary School community.

More of what school counselors do?

School Counselors...

  • Work with individuals and groups
  • Help identify needs of students
  • Encourage better interpersonal relationships
  • Promote positive attitudes and choices
  • Aid teachers and parents in helping students
  • Assist people in making use of community resources
  • Coordinate efforts with other school programs
  • Assist students with the process of growing up
  • Coordinate referrals to outside agencies
  • Assist with in-service programs for faculty
  • Participate in curriculum development
  • Provide "preventative" services
  • Maintain confidentiality 

Why would I want to visit a school counselor?

Here are some reasons a student might want to talk to the School Counselor:

  • "I'm getting picked on at the bus stop and I don't know what to do about it."


  • "My best friend isn't talking to me and it's making me really sad."


  • "I want to show you what I just made in art. I'm very proud of it."


  • "I'm new to this school, and I'm really scared!"


  • "When am I going to get to be in a Friendship Group?"


  • "I just want to talk to someone who won't laugh at me."


  • "I did a lot better on my last math test, and I'm so excited to tell someone!"


  • "Tim, Samantha and I had a problem at recess. Can you help us work it out?"


Here are some reasons parents might want to talk with the School Counselor: 

  • "Sarah doesn't want to go to school in the mornings."


  • "I'm concerned because Allen keeps telling me that he doesn't have any friends. Do you think a Friendship Group might help?"


  • "We recently had a death in the family, and I'm not sure how to tell my child."


  • "Kevin has difficulty going to sleep at night and often has nightmares."


  • "My wife and I have been divorced for two years, but we think our kids could really benefit from talking about it with other kids who are going through the same thing. We'd like to refer them for a Family Change Group.


  • "Jason seems to get really frustrated doing his homework, and nothing I say seems to help."


  • "I just wanted to thank you for inviting my daughter to participate in a New Student Group. She really enjoyed meeting some other kids who were new to Clinton Elementary."


Here are some reasons teachers or administrators might want to talk to the School Counselor:

  • "I need some ideas to help my students develop more positive relationships."


  • "John just can't sit still in the classroom."


  • "Sue is absent a lot."


  • "Patrick is new to this school and needs some special attention."


  • "I've noticed that Amanda seems distracted and anxious a lot lately."


  • "Lisa is a great kid, but she's really shy and doesn't seem to be comfortable initiating friendships. I think she'd benefit from participating in a Friendship Group."
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Clinton Elementary School



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Clinton High School 8:00am-3:10pm
Clinton Middle School 8:00am-3:10pm
Clinton Elementary School 7:45am-2:45pm
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