Hey Kids!

7 years ago

This section is just for YOU!  It has great links to fun sites for you to visit on the Internet.  There are fantastic reading, math, science, and social studies sites.  These sites can help you learn more about what you are learning at school, things you are curious about, and sometimes they can even help you with your homework!  Enjoy visiting these sites, but always remember to be safe.  Keep reading below to learn more about being safe on the Internet.  Happy surfing!

Internet Safety
There are some very important things that you need to keep in mind when you're on your computer at home or at school.
· First, remember never to give out personal information, such as your name, home address, school name, or telephone number.
· Never send a picture of yourself to someone you chat with on the computer without your parent's permission.
· Never write to someone who has made you feel uncomfortable or scared.
· Do not meet someone or have them visit you without the permission of your parents.
· Tell your parents right away if you read anything on the internet that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Red-Hot READING Sites

7 years ago

  • BBC's Bitesize Literacy Games

    This site has literacy games to help you practice your reading skills.  (Go to KS2 to make the games more challenging.)

  • BookFLIX

    To visit BookFLIX while not at school, click here.  Use "clinton56" as your username and "bookflix" as your password.
    Watch a classic video story book and a nonfiction book on a similar topic!
  • Free Rice

    For every vocabulary word's defninition that is chosen correctly, 20 grains of rice are donated through the UN World Food Program to help end hunger.

  • Help Me Find a Book

    Do you have trouble finding a book to read? This is a wonderful site designed to help you find new titles to check out. With Book Adventure, you can identify your grade level and up to five types of books you like to read. The site returns a list of titles! A good site to visit if you are stuck in a reading rut.  

  • Into the Book

    Practice reading comprehension strategies like using prior knowledge, making connections, questioning, visualizing, inferring, summarizing, evaluating and synthesizing by watching a video and then completing interactive activities.

  • Random House Kids

    Visit the websites of some of your favorite authors and books like Junie B. Jones, Magic Tree House, and more!
  • Starfall

    This is an awesome reading site that starts with the basics and grows with the student.

  • Story Place: The Children's Digital Library

    This site has online stories and lots of activities that are divided by themes.  The site can be viewed in English or in Spanish.  The stories are mostly geared toward studetns in preschool through second grade.

  • Storyline Online

    This site has online streaming video programs of children's books read aloud by actors from the Screen Actors Guild.  The stories change periodically.  This site has stories that appeal to students in kindergarten through fifth grade.

Wonderful WRITING Sites

7 years ago

Marvelous MATH Sites

7 years ago

Sizzling SCIENCE Sites

7 years ago


7 years ago

Awesome ARTS Sites

7 years ago

Juegos en español

7 years ago

  • Alrededor del Mundo en 80 Segundos!

    Ayuda a Maggie a volar alrededor del mundo. Escoge la suma, la resta, la multiplicación, la división o una mezcla de las cuatro. Después escoge un nivel de dificultad (Nivel1: Más Fácil y Nivel 2: Más difícil). Cada pregunta contestada correctamente llevará a Maggie hasta su próxima parada. ¡Sin embargo, sólo tienes 80 segundos para llevarla alrededor del mundo!

  • Diagramando a la Ciencia

    ¿Dónde está la corteza de la Tierra? ¿Qué son las anteras de un flor? Escoge una estructura y aprende de sus partes.

  • El Dilema de Dude

    Ayuda a rescatar el perro de Maggie, Dude, ¡que está atrapado sobre una azotea! Puedes rescatarlo contestando a unas preguntas de matemáticas. Escoge suma, resta, multiplicación, división o una mezcla de las cuatro. Después escoge un nivel (Fácil, Difícil, o Extremo) Cada pregunta que contestes correctamente te llevará más cerca de rescatar a Dude.

  • ¡Limpia Tu Gramática!

    La playa se está ensuciando con gramática incorrecta, y necesitamos de tu ayuda para limpiarla. Escoge tu nivel (Nivel 1 o 2), y pon la basura en el basurero correcto.

  • ¡Puzzle de Contraseña!

    Maggie ha olvidado la contraseña para su baúl y necesita de tu ayuda. Adivina las consonantes y las vocales para crear una palabra en Español. Cada palabra que aciertes te ayudará a abrir una cerradura, y cinco palabras abrirán su baúl.