Parents Picture

This section contains useful resources and links for parents and guardians.

Check out the resources in the left navigation bar that have been added, and remember that this site is still under construction. Check back on this page because resources and links relating to helping your child succeed are continuing to be added.

Traffic Information

Please do not go around the cones during arrival and dismissal times. Please make every effort to bring your child after 7:20 a.m. when students are allowed to come inside. Continue to pull all the way forward in the traffic loop so that the traffic does not back up behind you. Please be courteous to other drivers and do not break in line. Please make sure that everyone who brings or picks up your child understands these important traffic procedures.

Thank you for continuing to help us keep our students safe during arrival and dismissal times.

My School Bucks Online Payment

7 years ago

My School Bucks Online Payment

Similar to online banking, you can now access your student's school meals account online.  You can verify the account's balance, sign-up for low balance e-mails, verify payments, and view purchases. 
The link and information below will provide directions for using online payments for students' meals at their schools. 
You may login to the site with this link: http://www.myschoolbucks.com

1. Registering for MySchoolBucks.com

A. You will first need your childs student ID number; you may get this number by emailing or calling one of the following:

chjacobs@laurens56.k12.sc.us  or call 864-938-2037
mstate@laurens56.k12.sc.us     or call 864-938-2051
wlwillin@laurens56.k12.sc.us      or call 864-938-2057

B. Click on the link to  www.myschoolbucks.com

C. Click Sign Up and enter the required information.  This is parent information.
D. Click Finish to complete the initial registration process.
2. Add Students to your Family Account

Once you log in you will be taken to the homepage. 

A. Click MyKids from the main menu.

B. Click Add Child to enter students for this account.

C. Add the student ID #, enter the first letter of the students first name and enter the first letter of the students last name.

3. How to Make a Deposit

A. Click Deposit Money located next to Add Child.

B. Enter the amount in the Deposit column next to the childs name.

If you have more than one child, enter the amount you wish to deposit into the column next to each childs name.  Do not deposit money for your entire family into one childs account.

C. Click Calculate.

D. Click Make Deposit.
  • You will be directed to the PayPal web site to enter your payment information.
  • You have the option to use your existing PayPal account or a major credit card to make your payment.
  • If you are using your PayPal account, enter your email address and PayPal password to continue.*
  • If you are using a credit card, enter the required information.* 

     *NOTE: For your protection, MySchoolBucks.com will not store your financial information.

E. Click Pay Now when finished.

F. Click Pay once again to finish the process.

4. Low Balance Alerts

A. Go to Home page.

B. Click on MY PROFILE.

C. Click on LOW BALANCE ALERTS, click OFF to ON and complete information.

Attendance and Tardies

7 years ago

Students are marked tardy if they arrive in the classroom after 8:00 a.m.  We have an automated calling system that calls parents if a child is absent or tardy.  This call lets parents know that your child is either not at school or came in late.  Please continue to make every effort to have your child in his or her classroom on time everyday.  Remember that we serve a free breakfast to all students present at 7:40 a.m. each day.
When your child is absent from school, please send a note.  If your child is sick, just send a note asking for the day to be excused because your child was sick.  Even if you go out of town, oversleep, have car trouble, etc., we need a note stating why your child has missed school.  After your child accumulates several tardies or absences, you will receive notification from our Attendance Office asking for written excuses and verification of days absent.  We appreciate your assistance in helping us keep up with your child's attendance.
If you have questions about your child's attendance or tardies, please contact Edna Reed, our school attendance clerk, by e-mailing ejreed@lcsd56.org or by calling 833-0812.
Arrival and Dismissal

Students should not come to school until 7:20 a.m. because no adults are on duty until then. We are having more and more students arriving at 7:00 a.m. Please keep you students at home with you until 7:20 a.m. Just a reminder that breakfast time is at or before 7:40 a.m.

Students are not dismissed after 2:00 p.m. This is a very busy time of day, and we ask that you wait until 2:45 p.m. for regular dismissal.

Please remember to send a note if your child's transportation home is going to be different. For safety reasons, we cannot change how a child is getting home over the phone. We must have a written note in advance. Remember, for the safety of your child and others, we only dismiss students to those individuals listed on the information sheet or those that know your dismissal security password.

Lost and Found

Is your child missing a jacket, gloves, or any other of his or her belongings?

If your child misplaces his or her belongings, please have him or her look in our lost and found box. The lost and found box is located near the textbook room right outside of the cafeteria.

To prevent your child's belongings being placed in the lost and found box, please write your child's name in his or her coats, hat, gloves, etc.

To Do...

...ideas for making a difference, showing appreciation, and giving!

Hug your child. (If you have already hugged your child today, do it again!) Communicate with your child's teacher about any concerns or questions you may have. Ask how you can help your child or help in the classroom. Return ALL library and classroom books. Please pay for missing or damaged books. Make sure your child's lunch account is paid in full. Continue to visit our website for more information, updates, and pictures. Check out your child's teacher's website!